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Cover dimensions

Use this endpoint to get information about the dimensions of the cover of a product such as photo book or a multi-page brochure.


Request example

$ curl -X GET '' \
    -H 'X-API-KEY: {{apiKey}}'

Response example

    "productUid": "photobooks-hardcover_pf_210x280-mm-8x11-inch_pt_170-gsm-65lb-coated-silk_cl_4-4_ccl_4-4_bt_glued-left_ct_matt-lamination_prt_1-0_cpt_130-gsm-65-lb-cover-coated-silk_ver",
    "pagesCount": 38,
    "measureUnit": "mm",
    "wraparoundInsideSize": {
        "width": 468.0,
        "height": 325.0,
        "left": 0,
        "top": 0,
        "thickness": 17
    "wraparoundEdgeSize": {
        "width": 434.0,
        "height": 291.0,
        "left": 17,
        "top": 17,
        "thickness": 3
    "contentBackSize": {
        "width": 203.0,
        "height": 285.0,
        "left": 20,
        "top": 20
    "jointBackSize": {
        "width": 8,
        "height": 285.0,
        "left": 223.0,
        "top": 20
    "spineSize": {
        "width": 6,
        "height": 285.0,
        "left": 231.0,
        "top": 20
    "jointFrontSize": {
        "width": 8,
        "height": 285.0,
        "left": 237.0,
        "top": 20
    "contentFrontSize": {
        "width": 203.0,
        "height": 285.0,
        "left": 245.0,
        "top": 20

Note that each product can contain a different list of dimensions.

Use this example to see what each area is. Hover over an area to see the name of it.

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
productUid (required) string Unique product identifier. It can be taken from productUid parameter in Products list API response.
pageCount (required) string The page count for multi-page products. This parameter is only needed for multi-page products. All pages in the product, including front and back cover are included in the count. For example for a Wire-o Notebook there are 112 inner pages (56 leaves), 2 front (outer and inside) and 2 back cover (outer and inside) pages, total 116 pages. The pageCount is 116. Read more

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
productUid (required) string Unique product identifier.
pagesCount (required) int Count inner pages.
measureUnit (required) string Unit of measurement - mm.
wraparoundInsideSize (optional) DimensionAttributes The wraparound inside area.
wraparoundEdgeSize (optional) DimensionAttributes The wraparound edge area.
contentBackSize (optional) DimensionAttributes The content back area.
jointBackSize (optional) DimensionAttributes The joint back size area.
spineSize (optional) DimensionAttributes The spine area.
jointFrontSize (optional) DimensionAttributes The joint front area.
contentFrontSize (optional) DimensionAttributes The content front area.
bleedSize (optional) DimensionAttributes The bleed area.


Associative array of dimension attributes.

Parameter Type Description
width (required) double Width of the area.
height (required) string Height of the area.
left (required) string The area measured from the left.
top (required) string The area measured from the top.
thickness (optional) string Thickness of the area.

Table of dimensions per product

Product Parameters
Soft cover Photo book bleedSize, contentBackSize, spineSize, contentFrontSize
Hard cover Photo book wraparoundInsideSize, wraparoundEdgeSize, contentBackSize, jointBackSize, spineSize, jointFrontSize, contentFrontSize